7:00 PM - 9:45 PM (CDT)
1st Topic - 7:00PM - 8:15PM
Break - 8:15PM - 8:30PM
2nd Topic - 8:30PM - 9:45PM
Topic 2 - The Cath Lab Suite: Location and Activities
Topic 2 - What Are We Doing Today in the Cath Lab?
Date: Wednesday, April 9th, 2025
Topic 1 - The Role of a Cath Lab Scrub Tech
Topic 2 - The Role of a Cath Lab Monitor Tech
Topic 2 - Learning the Language and Anatomy of the Cath Lab
Topic 2 - Putting it All Together – Part Two
(Our “live” events are in real-time, NOT pre-recorded for later playback, and with the capability to ask the presenter questions during the actual broadcast.)
Don’t sign up for a webinar containing a lecture you’ve already heard in your current biennium. This would represent duplicate (NON-usable) credit.
Please check certificates to verify that you haven’t heard these lectures in your current biennium on the date(s) for which you are registering to avoid duplicate (NON-USABLE) credits.
Once we’ve received record of payment, we’ll email the course weblink to the email address you provided.
Elvis will be ‘on the air’ 30 minutes before the start time for registrants to test their connections. Please add this event to your personal calendar, so as not to forget this event for which you are registered.
You must watch the session in its entirety, meaning that you must arrive ‘on time’ and that you can’t ‘leave’ early. The system we use monitors interactivity and will provide a report. Please do not check your email, play solitaire, watch videos or do any other activity on your computer while the lectures are being provided. Under normal circumstances, you’ll receive your completion certificate (a PDF attached to an email) within 48 hours after the event.